Category: Our case

The Economic Court of Kirovograd region has, by its decision, fully satisfied the claims brought in the interests of our client

The Economic Court of Kirovograd region by its decision dated July 10, 2017, in case No. 912/1296 / 17, granted the claims in full in the interests of our client in full. In particular, the decision was set to levy in favor of the client 291,638.98 UAH. main debt, 35 195,65 UAH. Inflation losses, 7 680.46 UAH. 3% per annum and UAH 5,017.74. court fee.

Representation and protection of client’s interests were carried out by lawyer Rzhichykh Artyn Anatolievich, lawyer’s assistant, Voinesku Alexander Ivanovich.

Full text of the court decision at the link

Closure of the proceeding, in connection with the absence in the actions of the defendant in the administrative offense provided for in Part 1 of Art. 124 KUpAP

Irpinsky City Court of Kyiv region during consideration of the case of bringing to account the administrative responsibility of the client of JSC Konoval & Partners under Part 1 of Art. 124 KUpAP (Accident), taking into account the evidence gathered in the case, as well as explanations provided by the lawyer, came to the conclusion that the proceedings were closed, in connection with the absence of an administrative offense under the actions of the defendant in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 124 KUpAP.

The protection was provided by lawyer Konoval Taras Pavlovich.

The full text of the decision can be found at the link

Kyiv Appeal ruled admin.sud leave without appeal STI PG Svyatoshinsky area in DFS. Kiev, and ruling of the District Administrative Court. Kyiv unchanged

In its ruling, the Kyiv Appeal Administrative Court on January 31, 2017 appeal of the State Tax Administration Svyatoshinsky area of ​​the Main Department of the State Fiscal Service in Kiev to leave unsatisfied, and the ruling of the District Administrative Court of Kyiv on 08/12/2016 – unchanged. Thanks to the decision of the District Administrative Court. Kyiv and the ruling of Kyiv Administrative Court of Appeal tax decisions message Revenue Service charges on customer JSC “Konoval and partners” more UAH 300,000.00 for payment of Single Contribution deemed illegal and canceled.
The interests of the claimant represented by counsel AO “Konoval and partners” Konoval Taras.

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Svyatoshinsky district court of Kyiv satisfied in full the application for establishing the fact of the death of persons who died in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine

September 20, 2016 Svyatoshinsky District Court of Kyiv, its decision allowed the application for establishing the fact of death of people who died in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. The applicant was represented by assistant attorney AO “Konoval and partners” Voynesku Alexander.

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