Author Archives: golova

The Zolotonosha city court of Cherkasy region considered and completely satisfied the claim for collecting money in the interests of the client

On December 19, 2017, the Zolotonosha City Court of Cherkasy region considered and completely satisfied the claim brought in the interests of the client for the collection of funds under the loan agreement. The amount of collection is more than six hundred thousand hryvnia.

Representation and protection of client’s interests was carried out by lawyer Konoval Taras Pavlovich.

The Commercial Court of the Odessa region, by its decision in case No. 916/2282/17, fully satisfied the claims brought in the interests of our client.

On November 14, 2017, the Commercial Court of the Odessa region, by its decision in case No. 916/2282/17, satisfied the claims in full in the interests of our client in full. In particular, the decision was set to collect in the interests of the client an arrears in the amount of 11409 UAH. 07 cop., 3% per annum in the amount of 1958 UAH. 60 kopecks, inflation losses in the amount of 18 131 grn. 80 kopecks and the cost of payment of a court fee in the amount of 1 600 UAH. 00 kopecks

Representation and protection of client’s interests was carried out by the lawyer’s assistant, Voinesko Alexander Ivanovich.

Full text of the court decision at the link

The Kyiv Regional Court of Appeal partially upheld the appeal and annulled the Kyiv-Svyatoshinsky district court ruling

10 листопада 2017 року Апеляційний суд Київської області частково задовольнив апеляційну скаргу та скасував постанову Києво-Святошинського районного суду Київської області про закриття провадження у зв’язку з відсутністю в діях водія під час ДТП складу адміністративного правопорушення. Справу скеровано поліцейським на доопрацювання.

Захист потерпілої внаслідок ДТП здійснював адвокат Коновал Тарас Павлович.

The Commercial Court of Kiev has made a decision, which in the interests of our client has deducted 100 000 UAH. arrears

On October 26, 2017, the Economic Court of Kyiv, in case number 910/15875/17, made a decision, which in the interest of our client was deducted UAH 100 000.00 – debt, UAH 27 097.26 – Penalty, UAH 3 168.50 – 3% per annum, UAH 12 202.00 – inflation losses and UAH 2 137.02 – court fee.

Representation and protection of client’s interests was carried out by the lawyer’s assistant, Voinesko Alexander Ivanovich.

Full text of the court decision at